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except_except和except for区别

zmhk 2024-05-27
except_except和except for区别       现在,请允许我来为大家详细解释一下except的问题,希望我的回答能够帮助到大家。关于exce
except_except和except for区别


1.except 和 except that 和except for 的区别

2.except,except for,in addition,apart from的区别

3.except和except for的区别


5.except 用法

except_except和except for区别

except 和 except that 和except for 的区别

       except、except that、except for的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同




       2、except that


       3、except for

       adv. 除 ... 之外; 要不是由于





       You will all be punished; I can except no one.


       2、except that

       except that后面的从句表示前面提及名词中所包含的一部分,也就是对该名词的细节加以修正,意思是“除了(名词整体)外,只是(某些细节)...”,这里的that是引导介词宾语从句的连词。

       The regretful thing was the awful weather that degraded the nice scenery.


       3、except for

       含“除……之外”之意,except for多用于在说明基本情况或对主要部分加以肯定,还引出相反的原因或细节,从而部分地修正前面的主要意思,含惋惜意味。

       I can do nothing except for swimming in the dog days.




       except意为“除......外, 不再有......” “不包括”,相当于without或minus (一),表示一种排除关系。except主要用来谈论同类东西。

       2、except that

       except that表示“除了”“只是”,引导宾语从句。

       3、except for

       except for用来谈论不同类的东西,在说明情况后在细节上加以修正。

except,except for,in addition,apart from的区别




       读音:英 [?k?sept] 美 [?k?sept]


       2、except that

       读音:英 [?k?sept ?t] 美 [?k?sept ?t]






       1、Is there any better ways to beguile loneliness?except?eating?


       2、The Swede stood quite still,?except?that his lips moved slightly.


       3、I don't know much about John Milton?except?his "Paradise Lost".


       4、He have no special fault?except?that he smoke too much


       5、Except?for the silence, the videos were identical.


except that的用法

       except that后面的从句表示前面提及名词中所包含的一部分,也就是对该名词的细节加以修正,意思是“除了(名词整体)外,只是(某些细节)...”,这里的that是引导介词宾语从句的连词。

       1、They are almost the same, except that the orange ball is smaller.


       2、I would buy the suit, except that it costs too much.


       3、The Swede stood quite still, except that his lips moves slightly.


       4、Except that most of Yahoo's top managers have left the company.


       5、Except that this is exactly what Nolan is arguing against.


except和except for的区别

       1. except, except for是除去什么,后面内容不包括在内。俩者具体区别:

       except:vt. 不计;把…除外;vi. 反对;prep. 除…之外;conj. 除了;要不是

       except for:除了…以外;要不是由于

       except指的是整体除去部分,但是前面内容属于同一类。except for指的是一个个体的构成部分除去,前面内容不属于同一类。通常我们说是“美中不足”。

       except可以做动词、介词、连词;而except for一般都做介词词组用。

       except可以做谓语、状语、定语等等; 而except for一般做状语。


       They were all there except me. (他们和我都是人,同类)


       We work every day except Sunday. (每天和星期天是同类)

       除了星期日, 我们每天都上班。

       The composition is good except for some spelling mistakes.(作文和错误不同类)


       Except for the tax heavens, corporations of all natioanalities believe that their tax load is bigger than the competitors across the border.



       2. in addition(另外,此外)指的是包括后面的内容。例如:

       In addition, you can elect to share your files with others.

       另外,您可以决定与其他的用户共享 您的文件。

       In addition to a specific user owner, every file and directory also has a groupowner.

       除了特定的用户所有者,每个文件和目录还具有一个组 所有者。

       3. apart from(除…之外;且不说;并且)指后面内容既可以包括在内,也可以不包括在内。因此,它可以替换except和in addition。

       What did you do there – apart from eating? (不包括在内)


       Apart from this teams should start looking for a purpose in what they are doing. (包括在内)



       一、 except用于表示同类事物之间的关系,其意为"除?以外"、"除去"。 \x0d\\x0d\1. except后面可接名词、代词、动词、副词、介词短语和从句等。如: \x0d\\x0d\We have an English lesson every day except Sunday. 除星期天外,我们每天有一堂英语课。(接名词) \x0d\\x0d\They all went to the park last Sunday except him. 除了他以外,上星期天他们都去公园了。(接代词) \x0d\\x0d\Every day Mary does nothing except watch TV. 每天玛丽除了看电视以外什么都不干。(except后接动词时,一般为带to的动词不定式。但如果except前面有谓语动词do或其相应形式时,后面通常接省略to的动词不定式。如此句。) \x0d\\x0d\He always goes to work by bike except recently. 除最近外,他一般都骑自行车上班。(接副词) \x0d\\x0d\After breakfast the students went nowhere except to school. 吃完早餐,学生们除了上学就不到别处去了。(接介词短语) \x0d\\x0d\My father usually goes to work by bike except when it rains. 除下雨天外,我爸爸通常骑自行车上班。(接从句) \x0d\\x0d\2. except常用在all, whole, any, every, no等词,及anything, anybody, anyone, everything, everybody, everyone等不定代词之后。如: \x0d\\x0d\She ate everything on the plate except the carrots.除胡萝卜外她把盘子里的东西都吃了。 \x0d\\x0d\I've cleaned all the rooms except the toilet. 除了厕所,我清扫了所有房间。 \x0d\\x0d\二、 except for用于表示对主要部分的肯定和对局部的否定。它不表示同类事物之间的关系,其意思为: \x0d\\x0d\1. "除了?以外"。如: \x0d\\x0d\Smith is a good man, except for his bad temper. 史密斯除了脾气不好外,是个好人。 \x0d\\x0d\The movie was good except for the ending. 这部**除了结尾之外都很好。 \x0d\\x0d\2. "除去为了?"。如: \x0d\\x0d\Mother wouldn't give him any money except for books and stationery. 除了买书和文具外,妈妈不给他任何钱。 \x0d\\x0d\3. "如果不是","若非"。如: \x0d\\x0d\Except for you, I would pass the exam. 如果不是你,我就会通过考试。 \x0d\\x0d\4. "except for+名词"结构一般可以改写成"except+that从句"。如: \x0d\\x0d\This will do except for the length.= This will do except that it is too long. 如果不是它太长的话,这会很好。 \x0d\\x0d\All are here except for the absence of Tina. = All are here except that Tina is absent. 除了蒂娜以外,大家都在这里。 \x0d\\x0d\三、 except与except for的互换 \x0d\\x0d\1. except与except for有时可以通用,不过,一般情况下,except for可置于句首,而except则不能。如: \x0d\\x0d\Everyone is here except Tom. (或:Except for Tom everyone is here.)除汤姆外,大家都到了。 \x0d\\x0d\2. except与except for在句中也可互换。 \x0d\\x0d\一般来说,否定句中用except,肯定句式可以用except for来替换。如: \x0d\\x0d\This article has no blunders except a few mistakes.这篇文章除了一点小错外没有大错。 \x0d\\x0d\此句可改为:This article is instructive except for a few blunders. 这篇文章除了有些错误外,是有教育意义的。 \x0d\\x0d\不过,在前后有相称的同类词语时,应用except,否则用except for。如: \x0d\\x0d\We come to school every day except Sunday. 除星期天外,我们天天上学。(句中every day与Sunday同类) \x0d\\x0d\This dress is ready except for the buttons. 衣服做好了,只是钮扣未缝上。(句中ready与buttons不同类)

except 用法



       except是vt. 把…除外; 不计; prep. 除…外; conj. 除非; [口语] 要不是; 除…以外;

       besides是prep. 不中(目标),不对(题),与…无关; (表示排斥) 除…之外; (表示位置) 在…旁边,,在…一侧,在…附近; (表示关系) 与…无关,和…相比,比起…来,比得上;


       1、I wouldn't have accepted anything?except?a job in?Europe


       2、On the table?beside?an empty plate was a pile of?books



       except后面的东西不包括在主句所说的群体里 。

       例如:1、Everyone?is?here?except?Tom. 除了汤姆所有人都到了。

       Tom不包括在都到了的这一群体里面,因为everyone都到了,而Tom没有到,他不属于everyone这个群体了 。

       besides后面的东西包括在主句所说的群体里 。

       例如:Besides?English,?I?also?learn?French?and?Japanese. 除掉英语,我还学习了日语。



       若句中没有实义动词do的某种形式,except后接动词不定式,而besides后接动词的-ing形式。 例如:

       (1)I had no choice except to obey his order.除了服从他的命令,我别无选择。

       (2)I had no choice besides obeying his order.除了服从他的命令,我别无选择。


       1、主句中有如果do,except, but 后就不用to.


       Last night I did nothing but prepare my lessons.


       She can do everything except cook.


       2、主句谓语动词不是do,而是其它动词(如have, be 等)的时候,except, but 后面就要接to.


       He seldom went anywhere except to the library.


       It had no effect except to make him angry.


       还有其他地方语法书上认为介词一般接动名词作宾语,但是 except, but, besides习惯上要动词不定式作宾语。


       except to do something

       He wouldn't talk about work, except to say that he was busy.

       所以,这里应该填to watch
