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zmhk 2024-05-26
日本景点介绍英语_日本景点介绍英语翻译       大家好,今天我来为大家详细地介绍一下关于日本景点介绍英语的问题。以下是我对这个问题的总结和归纳,希望能对大家有所帮助。1.介绍日本风景的英语短文2.求日本京都著名景点的英文介绍3.急求英






5.请用英文翻译日本的旅游景点: 二条城、皇居外苑(二重桥)心斋桥 歌舞伎町(一番街),要正宗的!




       富士山:Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan at 3,776 m (12,388 ft). An active volcano that last erupted in 1707-08, it straddles the boundary of Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures just west of Tokyo, from which it can be seen on a clear day. It is located near the Pacific coast of central Honshū. Three small cities surround it: Gotemba (east), Fujiyoshida (north) and Fujinomiya (southwest).Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers.


       Osaka Castle Park

       Japan's three major cities of Osaka Castle, the first park, cherry blossoms around the city of Gilbert, about 4000 of the cherry. Osaka City has more than 400 years of history, high eight, the maximum level set is expected to Taiwan, you can view panoramic view of Osaka. Osaka City is unparalleled by numerous large stones from the composition. People with a heavy sense of dignity.Park green everywhere, very lush cherry trees is a good place for leisure walks.

       Have been around in Japan, Yokohama's Chinatown Chinese New Year is really great fun. Where you can experience the traditional Chinese beside can enjoy traditional Chinese dishes ... ...



       Arashiyama (岚山 ?) is a district on the western outskirts of Kyoto, Japan. It also refers to the mountain across the ?i River, which forms a backdrop to the district.

       Notable tourist sites in Arashiyama include

       The Iwatayama Monkey Park on the slopes of Mount Arashiyama. Over 170 monkeys live at the park. While the monkeys are wild, they have become accustomed to humans. The park is located on a small mountain not far from the Saga-Arashiyama rail station. Visitors can approach and photograph the monkeys. At the summit is a fenced enclosure, from within which visitors can feed the monkeys.

       The romantic "Moon Crossing Bridge" (渡月桥,Togetsukyō), notable for its views of cherry blossoms and autumn colors on the slopes of Mt Arashiyama.

       The tombstone of the Heike courtesan Kogo of Sagano.

       Tenryū-ji, the main temple of the Rinzai school, one of the two main sects of Zen Buddhism in Japan.

       The hamlet of Kiyotaki, a small scenic village at the base of Mt Atago, the home to a notable Shinto shrine.

       Matsuo Shrine, half a mile south of the area, which is home to a blessed spring. It is also one of the oldest shrines in the Kyoto area, founded in 700. The alleged restorative properties of the spring bring many local sake and miso companies to the shrine for prayers that their product will be blessed.

       Kameyama koen has a stone commemorating Zhou Enlai's visited to Arashiyama. He was moved by the cherry blossoms and mountain greenery. The four poems Zhou Enlai wrote about his visit are engraved on a stone monument: "Arashiyama in the Rain."

       Nijō Castle(二条城)

       Nijō Castle (二条城 ,Nijō-jō?) is a flatland castle located in Kyoto, Japan. The castle consists of two concentric rings of fortifications, the Ninomaru Palace, the ruins of the Honmaru Palace, various support buildings and several gardens. The surface area of the castle is 275,000 square meters, of which 8000 square meters is occupied by buildings.


       Present plan of Nijō Castle (click for detailed view)In 1601, Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate, ordered all the feudal lords in Western Japan to contribute to the construction of Nijō Castle, which was completed during the reign of Tokugawa Iemitsu in 1626. Parts of Fushimi Castle, such as the main tower and the Kara Gate, were moved here in 1625-26.[1] It was built as the Kyoto residence of the Tokugawa Shoguns. The Tokugawa Shogunate used Edo as the capital city, but Kyoto continued to be the home of the Imperial Court. Kyoto Imperial Palace is located north-east of Nijo Castle.

       The central keep, or donjon, was struck by lightning and burned to the ground in 1791.

       In 1788, the Inner Palace was destroyed by a city-wide fire. The site remained empty until it was replaced by a prince's residence transferred from the Kyoto Imperial Palace in 1893.

       In 1867, the Ninomaru Palace was the stage for the declaration by Tokugawa Yoshinobu, returning the authority to the Imperial Court. Next year the Imperial Cabinet was installed in the castle. The palace became imperial property and was declared a detached palace. During this time, the Tokugawa hollyhock crest was removed wherever possible and replaced with the imperial chrysanthemum.

       In 1939, the palace was donated to the city of Kyoto and opened to the public the following year.


       Ryōan-ji (Shinjitai: 竜安寺, Kyūjitai: 龙安寺 ?, The Temple of the Peaceful Dragon) is a Zen temple located in northwest Kyoto, Japan. Belonging to the Myoshin-ji school of the Rinzai branch of Zen Buddhism, the temple is one of the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

       The site of the temple was originally a Fujiwara family estate. It eventually came into the hands of the Hosokawa clan branch of the Fujiwaras. Hosokawa Katsumoto inherited the residence, and lived here before the ?nin War. Katsumoto willed the war-ravaged property to be converted into a Zen sect temple complex after his death. Later Hosokawa emperors are grouped together in what are today known as the "Seven Imperial Tombs" at Ryoan-ji. The burial places of these emperors -- Uda, Kazan, Ichijō, Go-Suzaku, Go-Reizei, Go-Sanjō, and Horikawa -- would have been comparatively humble in the period after their deaths. These tombs reached their present state as a result of the 19th century restoration of imperial sepulchers (misasagi) which were ordered by Emperor Meiji.[1]

       Ryōan-ji's tsukubai (蹲踞 ?), which is a small basin provided at Japanese Buddhist temples for visitors to purify themselves by the ritual washing of hands and rinsing of the mouth.An object of interest near the rear of the monks quarters is the carved stone receptacle into which water for ritual purification continuously flows. This is the Ryōan-ji tsukubai (蹲踞 ?), which translates literally as "crouch;" and the lower elevation of the basin requires the user to bend a little bit to reach the water, which suggests supplication and reverence.[2] The kanji written on the surface of the stone are without significance when read alone. If each is read in combination with 口 (kuchi), which the central bowl is meant to represent, then the characters become 吾, 唯, 足, 知. This is read as "ware tada taru (wo) shiru" and translates literally as "I only know plenty" (吾 = ware = I, 唯 = tada = only, 足 = taru = plenty, 知 = shiru = know). The meaning of the phrase carved into the top of the tsukubai is simply that "what one has is all one needs" and is meant to reinforce the basic anti-materialistic teachings of Buddhism.

       The absence of a dipper is intended to imply that the water is for the soul only and that it is necessary to bend the knee in humility in order to receive its blessing.


       Kiyomizu-dera (清水寺 ?), full name Otowa-san Kiyomizu-dera (音羽山清水寺 ?) is an independent Buddhist temple in eastern Kyoto. The temple is part of the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto (Kyoto, Uji and Otsu Cities) UNESCO World Heritage site.[1] Not one nail is used in the whole temple. The temple should not be confused with Kiyomizu-dera in Yasugi, Shimane, which is part of the 33-temple route of the Chūgoku 33 Kannon Pilgrimage through western Japan.[2]

       其实这些都是维基百科找来的,本来想给链接的,百度说我有广告,只贴了部分,其他的可用google 维基百科英文版找,包括景点介绍,历史什么的很全的。


       深谙美食真谛的北海道人并没有因为高贵的海鲜而冷落了平民化的拉面。在北海道,各地拉面的风味不尽相同,其中,札幌的味噌(酱汤)口味拉面、旭川的酱油口味拉面和函馆的盐味拉面是北海道拉面的代表。尽管口味不同,但是面滑、汤鲜和配料量足却是北海道拉面的共通之处。如果你是一个拉面爱好者,那么“拉面王国”札幌是你不能错过的地方,在这里,你能够将北海道所有风味的拉面“一网打尽”。Deep knowledge of food essence of Hokkaido have not left out the populace because of noble seafood ramen. Hokkaido ramen flavors vary, Sapporo miso (miso soup) flavor ramen ramen and Hakodate, Asahikawa sauce taste of salt ramen are representative of Hokkaido ramen. Even though tastes different, surface slip, soup of fresh ingredients and foot is Hokkaido Ramen in common. If you're a ramen enthusiast, "Kingdom of the hand-pulled noodles" Sapporo: you can't miss the place, here, you can also do all of Northern sea lanes flavored Ramen "clean sweep".

       札幌的拉面以汤浓、面大碗著称。这点其实不难理解,天寒地冻的北国,大碗满埂又香又浓的汤面,才能让人有饱足感。日本拉面3种基本口味的其中一种——味噌拉面,也是起源于札幌的。基本上来说,正统的札幌味噌拉面,味噌是要用新泻出产的;而拉面中最重要的汤头,尽管用的是绞肉,口感上绝对不能比整片肉片来的差。Sapporo Ramen is famous for its soup thick, wide Bowl. It is not difficult to understand, very cold north, Ridge was sweet and thick noodles in bowl full, to make full sense. Japan one of the hand-pulled noodles of the 3 basic tastes-the miso ramen, also originated in Sapporo. Basically, Orthodox Sapporo miso ramen, miso is to use Niigata produces, and hand-pulled noodles of the most important in tangtou, although with Grounded Meat and taste absolutely not worse than whole pork.

       北海道因为夏季温度低,适合乳牛生长,因此其乳制品受到日本人的欢迎。无论是冰激凌还是鲜奶,用蜡笔小新的话说:“好浓的北海道味道!”北海道是世界上白巧克力的发源地,所以包装精美的“白色恋人”白巧克力、软巧克力在北海道的纪念品店中处处可见。Because low summer temperatures, Hokkaido, for dairy cows, dairy was welcomed by the Japanese. Whether it is ice cream or milk, with Crayon Shin Chan: "good strong taste of Hokkaido! "Hokkaido is the home of white chocolate in the world, so the package" white lovers "white chocolate, soft chocolate in Hokkaido in souvenir shops everywhere.

请用英文翻译日本的旅游景点: 二条城、皇居外苑(二重桥)心斋桥 歌舞伎町(一番街),要正宗的!

       日本:东京铁塔 Tokyo Tower 富士山 Mount Fuji 加拿大:CN电视塔 Canada's National Tower  皇后饭店 The Empress Hotel

        意大利:比萨斜塔 The Leaning Tower of Pisa 罗马圣彼得大教堂 Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano 中国:长城 The Great Wall 国家体育场(鸟巢)Beijing National Stadium (Bird's Nest/Olympic Stadium) 水立方(Water Cube) National Aquatics Centre 法国:埃菲尔铁塔 Eiffel Tower 卢浮宫 Louvre Museum 巴黎圣母院 Notre-Dame Cathedral 凯旋门 Triumphal Arch 澳大利亚:悉尼歌剧院 Sydney Opera House


       二条城 Nijo Castle

       皇居外苑 Kokyogaien

       二重桥 Nijubashi Bridge

       心斎桥 Shinsaibashi

       歌舞伎町(一番街) Kabukicho(First Avenue)


       Akan National Park



       Izu Peninsula


       Aso Kujū National Park


       富士山(日文:ふじさん,英文:Mount Fuji)是日本国内最高峰,日本重要国家象征之一,在全球亦享有盛誉。横跨静冈县和山梨县的活火山,接近太平洋岸,东京西南方约80公里。



       Mount Fuji


       Okinawa Island


       Tokyo national museum
